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How to write a memorable essay?

There’s no single formula for writing a memorable essay, but there are some key ingredients that can help. To start with, your essay should have a clear and engaging opening that sets the stage for the rest of the piece. Additionally, make sure to use strong and specific language throughout your essay to really capture your reader’s attention. Finally, be sure to conclude your essay in a way that leaves a lasting impression on your reader. By following these tips, you can ensure that your essay will be one that’s remembered long after it’s been read.

To write a good university essay you have to make your message clear. This means organizing your key points, supporting them with a series of evidence-based arguments, and wrapping it all up at the end so the reader knows what they’ve learned. To do this well, you need to take the reader’s perspective. If you can see what might trip them up as they read your work, then you can avoid pitfalls that will confuse or bore them. Here are some tips to help you avoid the easy pitfalls. Once understood, these rules can be broken. But if you’re unclear on how to approach your writing, these tips can help.

Main points to keep in mind

Tip 1

The opening paragraph of your essay should provide a clear overview of the main points you will be discussing. If your opening paragraph includes these three elements, your reader will be hooked from the beginning: What’s the thesis (or problem), why is it important, and how are you going to address it?

Tip 2

Cover all relevant subtopics by proper organization. If your essay is long, break it up into sections with headings highlighting specific subtopics. Introduce these topics in the opening paragraph (see point 1). You want to organize information so readers can understand and remember it easily.

Tip 3

Begin paragraphs with opening paragraphs that summarize the paragraph’s contents. Write simple, easy-to-read paragraphs that flow from one to the next. Avoid lengthy, list like or devoid of a main thesis paragraphs. Complex paragraphs are summarized with succinct sentences that clarify what was stated in the paragraph.

Tip 4

Make logical connections between sentences. It is important to be clear and concise in your writing so that your reader can easily understand your ideas.

Tip 5

Avoid long sentences. If you’re not sure, break longer sentences down into shorter ones. Also, try to avoid repeating yourself and only including new information. If a sentence is weak or doesn’t provide any value, get rid of it (“Angioplasty is an important procedure.” “Emotions are a central element in people’s lives.”). Make sure your sentences are also clear by reading them out loud or having someone else read them aloud for you. This will help ensure that they make sense and are easy to understand.

Tip 6

Make sure to define all unknown terms and expressions. Be clear in your writing and don’t use jargon unless it is essential to the topic at hand. Assume that your reader knows less about the topic than you do, and write accordingly.

Tip 7

Use synonyms for key concepts only when you are first explaining them. Make sure to use the same word when referring to one idea multiple times. For example, if you want to discuss ‘affect,’ then stick with that word and don’t switch to “emotions” or “feelings.” Using different words throughout your writing will only cause confusion for your reader. Once you define a term, stay consistent in its usage.

Be specific. The more concrete the information presented, the better. Information that is concrete is powerful, appealing, easier to comprehend, and remembered. Concrete information comprises of examples, statistics, quotations, facts, and other details. The longer your reader goes without receiving new concrete knowledge or ideas to support your thesis, the more likely he or she will become tired.

Tip 11

Relevant data only. Only include facts that are relevant, and cut out any extra words. Paragraphs should only contain information related to your central thesis so as not to confuse or bore the reader. Once you have a first draft, focus on what matters most and get rid of anything else.

Tip 13

Contact qualified professionals if needed. If you’re unsure about how to properly format your citations or are having difficulty finding sources, consider contacting a professional. There are some companies, like write my essay that offer essay writing services, and they can be very helpful if you’re struggling with the task at hand. You can also ask to proofread your essay for the final touch.

American Education Writer

Natalie Wexler is a DC-based education journalist focusing on literacy and the so-called achievement gap. She is the author of The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System-and How to Fix It (Avery 2019), and the co-author of The Writing Revolution: Advancing Thinking Through Writing in All Subjects and Grades (Jossey-Bass 2017), a step-by-step guide to using the instructional method developed by Dr. Judith Hochman. She is also a contributor on education to and the author of three novels.